Engineering friendly physical unit aware unicode compatible online calculator
calculator - dimensions
Output numerical:
Output with SI prefix and unit: 53.0516 MΩ
(electrical resistance, impedance, reactance)
e.g. try: 1k2/(1k2+(3V3/10uA))*0x1FFF
or: (10mA)^2*300Ohm
or: sqrt(4*1.38064852e-23J/K*300K*1kOhm)
or: 300Ω±(10%+100ppm)
or: 10k//20k//∞ + 30k//inf
or: 1/(2·π·1 kΩ·10 nF)
or try converting to any unit (also non SI): 1 cup in cm^3
or: 2*pi*rad/s in rpm
See what Wolfram Alpha says about this expression